Our Expertise

• Product Liability
We represented a giant global company in relation to product liability in a dispute worth SAR 10 billion.
We successfully represented one of the global mega-companies,
MK Electric Ltd, in a SAR 75 million dispute regarding the termination of an agency agreement.
Successful representation of a number of our clients in disputes related to the termination of commercial distribution/ agency agreements before the Grievances Diwan.
Providing legal advice to an international company regarding an arbitration before the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris related to the termination of its distribution agreement in the KSA.
• Claims in the Telecommunications Sector
Representing and defending the Communications and Information Technology Commission in a number of cases filed by the Saudi Telecommunications Company (STC) and the Atheeb Union Company (GO) in various topics related to objecting to licenses to provide telecommunications services and data services and aspects related to interconnection between local telecommunications companies, including, for example, the service of ending incoming international traffic.
Representing and defending the Saudi Mobile Telecommunications Company (Zain) in a complex arbitration case worth more than SAR 2 billion filed by Etihad Etisalat (Mobily), including a number of aspects such as national roaming, international call passing, messaging links, and location sharing.
• Tender Case
The defense of a major global company in a tender case valued at SAR 60 million.
• Trademark Case
Representation of a global giant in a dispute related to the registration of a trademark that ended with the registration of the trademark of our client.
• Joint Venture Dispute
Representing a giant international company in a dispute over a SAR 30 million contribution including providing legal advice on the liquidation of the joint venture and the sale of its assets.
• Civil Contract Claims
Representing a giant international company in a construction dispute.
• Bank Disputes
We have represented a number of different clients in disputes related to banking matters including loan disputes, letters of credit, guarantees and Islamic finance before the Banking Dispute Resolution Committee.
• Real Estate Disputes
We have represented a number of real estate companies in cases filed against them or by them that have been successful.

Corporate Matters
• Mobile Phone Services License in the KSA (GSM)
Provided legal advice to Saudi Oger Co. Ltd. in competition to obtain a license to provide mobile phone services with (GSM) technology in the KSA and to establish a joint stock company and IPO.
• Lucent Technologies
Provision of legal advice to Lucent Technologies regarding the expansion of the Etisalat project.
• Etihad Etisalat Company (Mobily)
Providing legal advice to Etihad Etisalat on a number of issues and projects, including compatibility with Saudi laws and regulations, matters related to the corporate system, the process of acquiring Bayanat First Company, and raising capital.
• Fixed Telecommunications License Letter of Guarantee
Providing legal advice and strategy drawing to Al-Rajhi Bank on the claim of the Integrated Telecommunications Company to liquidate a letter of guarantee worth more than one billion Riyals that was submitted as a guarantee to the Communications and Information Technology Commission in exchange for the procedures for issuing a license to the Integrated Telecommunications Company.
Provided a number of legal advice to a number of government entities and telecommunications companies on telecommunications systems in Saudi Arabia, for example, a number of Legal advisory to CITC related to Saudi Arabia’s obligations in relation to the telecommunications sector under WTO systems, and providing advice on light telecommunications company.
• Conversion to joint stock companies
Providing legal advice to a number of large Saudi companies on aspects related to conversion to a joint stock company, the establishment of new joint stock companies, and the initial public offering.
• Private Subscription
Providing legal advice to Al-Kayan Petrochemical Company, a joint stock company, in a private subscription worth SAR 3.2 billion.
• Data License
Providing legal advice to Saudi Oger Ltd regarding the application for a license to provide telecommunications data services in the KSA.
• Restructuring a company up to US $200 million
Providing legal advice and assistance to a prominent Saudi client regarding the restructuring of a company with assets in 12 countries.
• Insurance Companies
Providing legal advice to several clients about licensing insurance companies under the provisions of the recently issued insurance law in the KSA.
• Owns a Saudi Paint and Adhesive Plant
Legal advisory on the US$10 million ownership of a Saudi Paint Plant.
• Joint Venture with Foreign Shareholder
Providing legal advice regarding the structuring of a multinational consumer products company in relation to the optimal structuring of the management and training of sales staff for its Saudi distributor of products.
• Product Liability
Providing legal advice to an international company on matters related to product liability under Saudi regulations.
• Ownership of Assets
Provided legal advice and documentation for the manufacture and ownership of a US$80 million yacht and a US$45 million aircraft.
• Online Subscription
Providing legal advice to one of the major international companies regarding an online public offering.
• Capital Markets
Provide legal advice to several companies on all aspects related to the capital market system including:
• Bond Issuance
Providing legal advice to different clients regarding the issuance of bonds under the Saudi Capital Market Law.
• Eurobonds
Provision of legal advice to the payee, HSBC, in connection with the program of issuing Eurobonds worth 605 million euros and issuing bonds worth 600 million US dollars (the first Eurobonds issued by a Saudi entity).
• Initial Public Offering
Providing legal advice to companies and financial advisors in relation to the initial public offering of shares of Saudi joint stock companies.

Foreign Investment Law
• Distribution Agreements
Providing legal advice to a US manufacturer regarding the drafting of a distribution agreement compliant with Saudi laws and regulations to govern its relationship with its Saudi distributor of products.
Providing legal advice to several American, German, Swedish and Japanese car and truck manufacturers regarding the measures of their product distribution agreements in the KSA.
Providing legal advice to several pharmaceutical companies regarding their product distribution agreements with their Saudi distributors.
Providing legal advice to several global consumer product companies regarding the drafting and negotiation of distribution and franchise agreements in the KSA.

Banks and Finance
Project Finance (Infrastructure Project Finance):
• Petrochemical Complex (Saudi Arabic Basic Industries Co. "SABIC")
Provision of legal advice to SABIC, the project sponsor, and its subsidiary, Jubail United Petrochemical Company, regarding the financing of a petrochemical complex worth USD 2 billion
• Petrochemical Complex (Industrial Projects Development and Management Company Limited)
Providing legal advice to Industrial Projects Development and Management Company Limited regarding the private subscription in an integrated petrochemical complex.
• Saudi Chevron Philips and Jubail Petrochemical Industries
Provide legal advice to the main lenders, namely Saudi Fransi Bank, Riyad Bank, Saudi American Bank, Arab National Bank, Gulf International Bank (P.S.S) and Saudi Hollandi Bank, regarding the financing of the expansion of petrochemical plants for Saudi Chevron Philips and Jubail Chemical Company in Jubail, Saudi Arabia.
• Owns a European petrochemical company.
Providing legal advice to SABIC in connection with the financing of 1.2 billion euros to own a European petrochemical company.
• Independent Power Project
Providing legal advice to International Power and Saudi Oger Limited regarding the establishment of (4) internal power projects in the KSA (established on a build-own-operate-transfer (boot) basis).
• BOOT Butanediol Plant
Provision of legal advice to Saudi International Petrochemical Company (Sipchem), and Gulf Advanced Chemical Industries Company (Jasek), regarding the development and financing of the BOOT Butanediol Plant.
• Methanol Plant
Providing legal advice to the Saudi International Petrochemical Company (Sipchem), and the International Methanol Company, regarding the financing of the methanol plant.
• Acetyl Factory
Providing legal advice to the Saudi International Petrochemical Company (Sipchem), regarding the financing of the Acetyl Factory.
• Polypropylene Plant SPC
Provision of legal advice to lending banks regarding a US $280 million financing for the Polypropylene Plant of the Saudi Polypropylene Company in Jubail, KSA.
• Railway Line and Phosphate Mine
Providing legal advice to Saudi Oger Limited regarding the railway line and phosphate mine project in Al-Jalamid area in the KSA.
• Gas Initiative
Provision of legal advice to Conoco Philips regarding gas exploration in the southern Ghawar region of Saudi Arabia.
• Developed Polypropylene
Providing legal advice to the National Polypropylene Company regarding the development and financing of the polypropylene plant in Jubail, KSA.
• Desalination – Independent water and power projects
Providing legal advice to the water distributor, the Water and Electricity Company, and its shareholders, the General Organization for Desalination and the Saudi Electricity Company regarding four independent power projects.

Corporate Finance
• Cell C Credit Facility
Providing legal advice to Citibank International in its capacity as the main financier of the Group of Banks for one of the most complex financing projects in the telecommunications sector.
• Saudi Aramco Credit Facility
Providing legal advice to J Bank. P
J. P. Morgan PLC and Riyad Bank as the main financiers of a group of banks to provide a US $2 billion credit facility to Saudi Aramco.
• Saudi Petrochemical Company (“SADAF”) Credit Facility
Provision of legal advice to Banque Saudi Fransi, HSBC Bank PLC, Saudi British Bank, Gulf International Business Bank, Saudi American Bank and Saudi Hollandi Bank regarding a credit facility of USD 650 million to SADAF.
• Saudi Shipping Company Credit Facility
Providing legal advice to the main lender’s Gulf International Bank PSC and Saudi American Bank regarding two loans, the first with a value of 164 million US dollars and the second with a value of 154 million US dollars to finance the purchase of ships.
• Multiple Credit Facility
Providing legal advice to a group of banks including Banque Saudi Fransi, Samba Financial Group, National Commercial Bank, and Arab National Bank regarding a loan of USD 335,062.5000 as a multiple credit facility to Building Contracting Company Ltd.
• Issuing medium-term bonds for Saudi Orix
Providing legal advice to the Saudi Investment Bank regarding the issuance of medium-term obligations to Saudi Orix.
• Merger of Banks
Providing advice to the Saudi United Commercial Bank in all aspects of its merger with the Saudi Cairo Bank, including the preparation of all required documents; and providing legal advice to the Saudi United Bank in all matters related to its merger with the Saudi American Bank (currently Samba Financial Group).
• Saad Specialist Hospital
Provision of legal advice regarding a joint credit facility of SAR 400 million to Saad Specialist Hospital arranged by Saudi American Bank, National Commercial Bank, Arab Bank PLC, Muscat Bank SAOG, Emirates International Bank and Saudi British Bank.
• Samba Financial Group Credit Facility
Provision of legal advice to
J.P. Morgan PLC Principal Lender in connection with the provision of a US $600 million credit loan to Samba Financial Group.
• Providing a credit facility to Arabsat
Providing legal advice to Banque Saudi Fransi, the main lender for credit facility agreements of USD 169,500,000 provided to Arabsat.
• Credit Facility for Géant Saudi Limited
Provision of legal advice to Samba Financial Group which arranged a credit facility of SAR 125 million in relation to financing the construction and operation of Géant’s mega markets in the KSA.
• Financial derivatives
Providing legal advice to banks and financial institutions (including Goldman Sachs, Barclays Bank and UBS Investment Bank, Australian New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ), and Deutsche Bank ) in connection with all aspects related to the conclusion of financial derivatives agreements with Saudi parties.
• Banks Operations
Providing legal advice to foreign banks (including Gulf International Bank, Bank Muscat and Deutsche Bank) regarding the establishment of their branches in the KSA, and reformulating their banking documents forms to comply with Saudi laws and regulations.
• Investment Portfolios
Provision of legal advice in connection with the establishment of a US $45 million investment portfolio.

Islamic Finance
• Etihad Etisalat Finance
Provide financial advice to financial investors (including Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, Al Jazeera Bank, Citibank N.A., Emirates International Bank, Kuwait Finance House, National Commercial Bank and Samba Financial Group) in the world’s largest Shariah-compliant financing transaction for Etihad Etisalat (this transaction was described by Euromoney in February 2005 as the Islamic Finance Deal of the Year).
• Murabaha Finance
Providing legal advice to a number of banks, including Citi Islamic Bank (Bahrain) E.C., regarding Murabaha Finance arranged for Pakistan Airways, and Shamil Bank regarding Murabaha Finance arranged for Saudi Cable Company.
• Batterjee House Medical Company (BIBMC)
Providing legal advice to the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, which is the financier for BIBMC to facilitate the financing of a lease according to the Islamic structure with a value of 68 million US dollars.
• Al-Safa Tower in Makkah Al-Mukarramah
Providing legal advice to the sponsor, the Saudi Binladin Group, and the global salary, Deutsche Bank, in a huge real estate development deal that includes the construction of a property and the offering of Islamic sukuk compatible with the structure of Islamic finance, including Istisna and Mudaraba.
• Sukuk
Prepare a discussion paper for the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) on the issue of structuring Sukuk in Saudi Arabia

• Saudi Arabian Airlines General Organization allocation
Provide legal advice regarding the allocation of Saudi Arabian Airlines General Organization.
• STC Privatization
Providing legal advice regarding the restructuring and privatization of STC.
• Ministry of Water and Electricity
Providing legal advice regarding the allocation of certain assets in the water sector.

Work System
• Saudi Arabian Airlines General Organization allocation
Providing legal advice to an international company regarding the best structure of the company in relation to Saudi labor law.
• Employment Contracts
Providing legal advice to a number of information technology companies, hotels and institutions working in the field of entertainment and drafting employment contracts in accordance with the Saudi laws and regulations for their executives and foreign workers.